Wednesday 16 May 2018

Cake Smash Photoshoots

Cake Smash photoshoots are becoming more and more popular. For anyone that doesn’t know, a Cake Smash session literally involves the baby smashing and getting stuck into a giant birthday cake, usually in celebration of their very first birthday! It’s originally an American idea that has come over to the UK and gained popularity as it’s a fun way to celebrate a child’s first birthday.

The fun bit really is when the child gets well and truly stuck into the cake. Whilst this happens I take photographs to record the fun… and the mess!

What to expect during a Cake Smash photoshoot

I have a backdrop and a vinyl floor that I bring with me to the photoshoot (usually held in my clients’ home) and ask the parents to provide any decorations that they wish to include in the photos – for example bunting, garlands or balloons. The backdrop and floor is completely wipeable so we can clean up all the icing once the Cake Smash has finished!

I start a Cake Smash photo session by photographing the baby on their own first (or with their parents/family) whilst they’re still nice and clean and before they have caught sight of the big cake! Once I have some photographs of the baby without the cake, we’ll then introduce the cake to the baby!

The best kind of cake for these photo sessions is one that is iced with buttercream icing, so that the baby can really get stuck in and make a mess! (Royal icing wouldn’t work here at all). You could either include one big cake or some cupcakes.

At first, the baby might be a bit reluctant to touch the cake as they’re not necessarily used to being given a giant cake to play with. But it doesn’t usually take long for them to get stuck in and for the mess to begin.

Whilst the baby is preoccupied with the cake, I’ll continue to snap away and photograph the chaos! Once we’ve decided we have enough photos (I do prefer to let parents decide on when enough is enough here – at the end of the day their child is helping themselves to a big cake full of sugar, so we do have to draw the line somewhere with regards to how much of it they actually eat!) we’ll get the baby cleaned up and I’ll clear away the mess and the backgrounds.

After a Cake Smash photoshoot

After the photoshoot I will edit your photographs (crop them to size, ensure the colour is correct etc.) within 3 weeks and upload them to an online password protected photo gallery for you. You can then use these photos however you wish, for example either sharing them electronically with friends or family, or choosing to have them printed or made into an album.


How much does the photoshoot cost?
A Cake Smash photoshoot is £50.

What is included?
Included in this cost is a one hour photoshoot, use of my photography back drop and floor and the time it takes me to edit the photographs after the session. You will receive a minimum of 30 images in an online password protected photo gallery.

What do I need to do?
I ask my clients to please provide the cake and any decorations. I find it best if you provide the cake yourselves rather than me sourcing one and upping my costs, then it’s better for you budget wise and also if your little one has any allergies.

How do I book?
Please have a look at my availability on my website and contact me if you’d like to book in!

I hope you have found this blog useful and that it has given you a bit more info about what to expect from a Cake Smash photoshoot with myself. Please get in touch if I’ve missed anything or if you’d like to book a slot!

Thanks for reading, H x

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