Saturday 29 September 2012

Business cards

My business cards arrived the other is a sneak peek!

Anybody interested in having a Little'Uns photoshoot please get in touch :-) Thanks!

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Busy busy busy

Some exciting things happening soon!

I've ordered some business cards to get handing out and start spreading the word, so they should be arriving anytime soon really. I also went to the lovely wedding doo of the new Mr and Mrs Wilkinson on the 7th September and got some nice photographs there so will get those up on here soon! I'm going to be ordering some new equipment this week that I'm really excited about, some stuff that will help with my portable studio shoots and really enhance my Little'Uns portraits! And in the next month or so I have a Little'Uns photoshoot coming up with the brand new baby Peacock and his mum Kelly! He still hasn't arrived yet but as soon as he has, he'll be having his photographs taken by me which I am really looking forward to! Can't wait to welcome him :)

So yes a lot to look forward to! If you'd like to have a Little'Uns shoot with your little one then please get in touch! ( or contact me on Facebook, there's a link on this blog) In the meantime, here is a photograph of my cat Ziggy! (he likes posing and having his photo taken):